Guido Mazzoleni

Guido Mazzoleni

Ein Pathologe untersucht nur Leichen? Stimmt nicht. Ein Pathologe urteilt über gut und böse – wenn es um einen Tumor geht. Und er macht Wein, spielt Klavier und schauspielert – wenn er Guido Mazzoleni heißt. Nelle sue vene scorre sangue trentino e veneziano e non ha paura della noia. In futuro si dedicherà alla viticoltura, ha già comprato un tre ruote "Ape", vivrà tra Bolzano e Trento, migliorerà il suo pianoforte. Ama il mare, lo sci e la sua bici da corsa, la musica e la sua Read more [...]
Ellen Louise Shulman Baker

Ellen Louise Shulman Baker

Erstaunlich, wie vielseitig alle AstronautInnen der NASA sind! Bachelor of arts in geology from State University of New York at Buffalo, 1970; doctorate of medicine from Cornell University, 1978; masters in public health from University of Texas School of Public Health, 1994; prior to her selection she served as a physician in the Flight Medicine Clinic at the JSC; recreational interrests include swimming, skiing, running, softball, movies, music, and reading; was Lead Astronaut for Medical Read more [...]