Marco Alain Sieber

Marco Alain Sieber Marco Alain Sieber Marco was born in Switzerland in 1989 and graduated from the Gymnasium Burgdorf in Switzerland in 2007. In 2009, Marco joined the paratrooper training with the Swiss Special Forces Commando at the Swiss Army, where he achieved the military rank of Sergeant. In 2015, he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Bern, Switzerland. His doctoral thesis was on robotic surgery and he was awarded best final exam for his physician diploma. In Read more [...]
Guido Mazzoleni

Guido Mazzoleni

A pathologist only examins corpses? Not at all! He judges good and bad if its a tumor. And he producces wine, plays the piano and performs as actor besides skiing - if his name is Guido Mazzoleni. (IT): Nelle sue vene scorre sangue trentino e veneziano e non ha paura della noia. In futuro si dedicherà alla viticoltura, ha già comprato un tre ruote "Ape", vivrà tra Bolzano e Trento, migliorerà il suo pianoforte. Ama il mare, lo sci e la sua bici da corsa, la musica e la sua casa circondata Read more [...]
Ellen Louise Shulman Baker

Ellen Louise Shulman Baker

Bachelor of arts in geology from State University of New York at Buffalo, 1970; doctorate of medicine from Cornell University, 1978; masters in public health from University of Texas School of Public Health, 1994; prior to her selection she served as a physician in the Flight Medicine Clinic at the JSC; recreational interrests include swimming, skiing, running, softball, movies, music, and reading; was Lead Astronaut for Medical Issues, Johnson Space Center. web wikipedia youtube Read more [...]