Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers

Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers

Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers (/ˈɔːlbərz/German: [ˈɔlbɐs]; 11 October 1758 – 2 March 1840) was a German physician and astronomer.

On 28 March 1802, Olbers discovered and named the asteroidPallas. Five years later, on 29 March 1807, he discovered the asteroid Vesta, which he allowed Carl Friedrich Gauss to name. As the word “asteroid” was not yet coined, the literature of the time referred to these minor planets as planets in their own right. He proposed that the asteroid belt, where these objects lay, was the remnants of a planet that had been destroyed. The current view of most scientists is that tidal effects from the planet Jupiter disrupted the planet-formation process in the asteroid belt. On 6 March 1815, Olbers discovered a periodic comet, now named after him (formally designated 13P/Olbers). Olbers’ paradox, described by him in 1823 (and then reformulated in 1826), states that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the supposition of an infinite and eternal static universe.

Olbers was deputed by his fellow citizens to assist at the baptism of Napoleon II of France on 9 June 1811. He was a member of the corps legislatif in Paris 1812–13. He died in Bremen aged 81. He was twice married, and one son survived him. Olbers’ paradox, the argument that the dark sky at night shows that stars cannot be evenly distributed through infinite space, is named for him, though others had also advanced it.

Ships were named after him (DE):

Olbers war außerdem der Name verschiedener Segelschiffe: Eine in Archangelsk gebaute Fregatte wurde 1829 von F. C. Delius & Co. in Bremen erworben und 1837 abgewrackt. Ein 1838 in Grohn gebauter Segler des gleichen Eigners, das Vollschiff Olbers (1851), havarierte 1848. Später trug eine Dreimastbark der Kaiserlichen Marine den Namen des Astronomen.

Olbers streets in Berlin, Bremen, Hannover, Lilienthal and other places.

Olbers statue in Bremen in the “Wallanlagen”

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Olbers Planetarium Bremen/Germany