Klaus Steinbach

Klaus Steinbach

PER// STEINBACH Klaus Dr. Olympia-Ausscheidung-Deutsche Schwimm-Meisterschaften 1980 in München. Sportart Schwimmen.
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eMail: laci@sportphoto-perenyi.de

Klaus Steinbach (* 14. Dezember 1953 in Kleve) ist ein ehemaliger deutscher Schwimmsportler und Sportfunktionär.

Personal factsDr. Klaus Steinbach
born 14 December in Kleve, married 2 children
Professional careerStudied at the University of the Saarland
Promotion with Prof. Dr. Wilfried Kindermann
Specialization in Orthopedia, Specialist for physical and rehabilitation medicine
1989 – 1991chief doctor of the Hohenurach Clinics in Bad Urach
since 1992chief doctor and medical director in Weiskirchen/Saar
25 times: German champion
1972olympic silver
1975world champion
1976olympic bronce
1974-1977five times: Europe champion
1975-1978four times World Vice champion
other activities
since 1981personal member of the NOK (National Olympic Comitee)
since 1989member of “Gutachterausschuss of DSH”
1996team doctor NOK Olympic Games Atlanta
since 1997member of the board of the NOK
1997founder and president of DOG Saarland
2000chief of mission of the german team for Olympic Games Sydney
since 3 November 2002president of the National Olympic Comitee for Germany

Dr. Steinbach about is sports activities now:

Swimming has show events less than other sport disciplines. Otherwise I would make my swimming rounds more often for sure.
But seriously: Of course I do make sport, I do jogging three to five times a week or go riding mountainbike. After a career in top
sport this is a necessity as everybody knows. It is a good compensation for stress in the profession as a medical doctor and thus
gives good support to it.
Apart from that it means living a good example for the patients.

Men’s 50 metre freestyle
world record holder (long course)

July 23, 1979 – February 2, 1980

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