Anna Domańska – conductor | Dirigentin
Der Chor der medizinischen Universität von Lodz wurde im März 2005 auf Initiative des Rektors gegründet. Die Dirigentin leitet die Abteilung Chorleitung der Karol Szymanowski Musikakademie in Kattowitz.
Das Repertoire geht von Polish Folk über Gospel, geistige Musik und Popmusik. Die Mitglieder sind Studenten oder bereits im Beruf stehende Absolventen der Medizinischen Fakultät.
Die Mitglieder haben ein großes zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl und treten mit Erfolg bei internationalen Chorfestivals und Wettbewerben auf.
The Choir of the Medical University of Lodz was founded in March 2005 on the initiative of the Rector’s authorities.
The conductor of the choir from the beginning of its existence is a respected and well-known conductor, professor of art Anna Domańska, head of the Department of Choral Conducting at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice “Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz” in Lodz.
The choir’s president is Katarzyna Starosta, Justyna Przytulska, assistant conductor, and Jakub Czech, is the assistant accompanist.
The choir’s repertoire is varied – from Polish folk, gospel and sacred music to, finally, popular music.
The members of the team are students of the Medical University and its graduates – already working professionally as doctors, pharmacists or paramedics.
The Choir of the Medical University of Lodz adds splendor to all celebrations related to the University – ceremonies of awarding diplomas to Graduates, scientific conferences, as well as ceremonies of awarding Doctorates Honoris Causa of the Medical University of Lodz.
In addition, the Choir of the Medical University of Lodz conducts extensive concert activity both in Lodz and throughout Poland.
The people who make up the band are – thanks to such frequent meetings – not only choirmates, but a group of really good friends. The bond between them is strengthened thanks to workshop and integration trips as well as trips to competitions and festivals in Poland and abroad.
Thanks to intensive work, the choir has already won many awards and distinctions.
profile on University Lodz site