WDO – World Doctors Orchestra

WDO – World Doctors Orchestra

The World Doctors Orchestra debuted 2008 in the Berlin Philharmony. Founder is Stefan Willich, Epidemiologist of the Charité in Berlin. https://youtu.be/T20CWOv4f8g Meanwhile WDO has performed on numerous places all around the globe and carries a musical message into the hearts of the people. They have a branch with the ADO - Asian Doctors Orchestra http://asian-doctors-orchestra.org http://www.world-doctors-orchestra.org youtube Read more [...]
PDO – PhilharmonicDoctorsOpera – DWOC

PDO – PhilharmonicDoctorsOpera – DWOC

The world´s first-ever Doctors Opera Company has been founded in 2008 and performed Mozart's Magic Flute in the Wilhelma Theatre in Stuttgart/Germany. Now renamed toDWOC - Doctors World Opera Company 80 docs from 15 countries were involved! Watch the best of 4 performances in our youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrO5BZuWMeY&list=PL8B5F1A553FFB884D DWOC - Doctors World Opera Company Read more [...]