Michael Nehls

Michael Nehls

Michael Nehls (born October 20, 1962) is a German doctor of medicine, author, and former cyclist. From 1983 until 1989 he studied medicine at the universities of Freiburg and Heidelberg. In 1997, he achieved his postdoctoral lecture qualification in molecular genetics. Nehls authored over 50 scientific publications, two of which were published with the Nobel Prize winners Paul Greengard and Martin Evans. In 2003, after Read more [...]
Klaus-Gregor Eichhorn

Klaus-Gregor Eichhorn

Klaus-Gregor Eichhorn is Anesthesist in Chemnitz and film director. He has produced several films which are nicely presented on his web site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED_kAl8PZfo Born in Karl-Marx-Stadt. Grown up in Chemnitz. Practikum @ Michael Roth, MdB. Direction assistant @ Städtisches Theater Chemnitz. Studies of direction @ Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Stopped this study to become MD. Lives in Chemnitz and Leipzig. Target: Be strong without becoming hard. web youtube Artikel Read more [...]
Michael Alexander Verhoeven

Michael Alexander Verhoeven

Michael Alexander Verhoeven (born in Berlin 13 July 1938 – died in Munich 22 April 2024) was a German film director, screenwriter, film and television producer, actor. He was also a qualified doctor of medicine. He is considered being a politcal filmmaker Michael Verhoeven stems from a theatre and film family, the son of the German film director Paul Verhoeven (1901-1975, not to be confused with the Dutch film director of the same name) and actress Doris Kiesow (1902-1973), Read more [...]
Ludger Iske

Ludger Iske

Ludger Iske is running an ioffice for internal medicine in 2024 - but he gives concerts as well in the waiting rooms of his office an others as a wonderful music therapy. In a song he says: „Wir wünschen wunderbare Jahre, die besten Zeiten, die ihr haben wollt – von allen Lieben nur die Wahre, den Bauch voll Freude und ein Herz aus Gold; und wenn es läuft bei euch und leuchtet – dann haben wir ja nicht alles falsch gemacht: so stehts im großen Buch verzeichnet – wir haben euch Read more [...]
Mark Tavassol

Mark Tavassol

Mark Tavassol (* 18. February 1974 in Bremen) is a German musician, composer, songwriter, singer, music producer and MD. He got well-known as bass player and guitarist of the band Gloria. Tavassol is son of an Iranian father and a German mother and lived in Teheran in his first years. After the Abitur he studied medicine in Hamburg and got his degree in 2001. He joineed the band "Wir sind Helden" and he works in several TV productions as in a late-night-show. His humanitarian Read more [...]
Björn Rodday

Björn Rodday

As singer he is in a sextett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk_bhoPPrYs Björn Rodday is a MultiTalentDoc singer, conductor of choirs, he is running the cultural center Sayner Hütte near Koblenz on the Rhine river. In Ort Boppard he runs an Opera Studio Operiamo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp97ICaui5k He is conducting the Landesjugendchor Rheinland-Pfalz (youth choir Rheinland-Pfalz) Björn Rodday is engaged with charity projects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA6c25iX0fc Sayner Read more [...]
Erik Brandenburg

Erik Brandenburg

2007 Brandenburg made the second place in the Transsibiria-Rallye. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNLUCnOB708 He is also FalconerDoc and drives with the eagle in the Porsche to flying places.... This fighting eagle is my co-pilote when I go for chase, the co-pilot seat is taken out and he is sitting in a big wooden box filling half of the 911 .....tough, what?? kind regards Driver profile Transsibiria Rallye (DE):Name, Vorname: Dr. Brandenburg, ErikAlter: 40Wohnort: Hamburg, DeutschlandGeburtsort: Read more [...]
Henry Johannes Greten

Henry Johannes Greten

Henry Johannes Greten is TenorDoc besides his wide medical range of activities and as one of the pioneers of TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSySXmpblfU 2012 Curriculum Musikmedizin Heidelberg - Henry Johannes Greten, Mario Goncalvez, Wolfgang Ellenberger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jua8fbgEkbc CDs - Mitwirkung | participating https://talents.doctorsdome.center/en/cd-mozart-requiem-2 Read more [...]