Michael Nehls

Michael Nehls

Michael Nehls (born October 20, 1962) is a German doctor of medicineauthor, and former cyclist. From 1983 until 1989 he studied medicine at the universities of Freiburg and Heidelberg. In 1997, he achieved his postdoctoral lecture qualification in molecular genetics. Nehls authored over 50 scientific publications, two of which were published with the Nobel Prize winners Paul Greengard and Martin Evans.

In 2003, after a career in scientific research and upper management, the former marathon runner decided – after 20 years of a sedentary lifestyle – to reconnect with a serious sport.[1]

In 2008, after having successfully competed in several long-distance cycling events,[1] he finished the Race Across America in 10 days, 22 hours and 56 minutes to cover a distance of 3.000 miles between Oceanside, California, and Annapolis, Maryland. Out of 27 solo-participants he finished in seventh position. Nehls devised a new regenerative strategy and rested for a total of over 90 hours, several times more than his competitors.[2][3] He wrote a book about his experience called “Herausforderung Race Across America” (“Challenge Race Across America”) and produced a DVD called ‘Du musst nicht siegen, um zu gewinnen. (English translation: “You need no victory to be a winner”) on his own.

Since 2011, Nehls has published several books on the necessary behavioral changes required for healthy aging from an evolutionary history point of view. First “The Methuselah-Strategy” then with Alzheimer-Lüge (English translation: “The Alzheimer’s Lie”) and Alzheimer ist heilbar (English translation: “Alzheimer’s can be cured”) two books about Alzheimer’s disease, in which he presents his theory about the development of this special form of dementia from evolutionary history of life and systems biology point of view.

Michael Nehls’s book, The Indoctrinated Brain, has sparked considerable controversy for its bold claims about the effects of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on human cognition and autonomy. Nehls suggests that these vaccines, among other modern pressures, are part of a global assault manipulating the human mind, aiming to facilitate increased governmental control over individuals. His theories align with broader conspiratorial narratives, which have been disseminated through various platforms known for hosting such content.[8]

Nehls’s work was featured in a discussion with Tucker Carlson, where he outlined his views on the manipulation of human memory and cognition through fear, suggesting a deliberate effort to control the populace.[9] Furthermore, Nehls’s theories have been cited by conspiratorial outlets such as Infowars in an article called “Molecular Geneticist Explains How mRNA Vaccines Were Designed to Conquer the Human Mind”, further associating his work with fringe narratives.

Moreover, The Indoctrinated Brain was published by Skyhorse Publishing, a company that has a record of publishing works with conspiratorial angles. Skyhorse Publishing has built a reputation for taking on authors that other houses avoid, including figures who have propagated misinformation, including false theories about coronavirus vaccines.[10] This backdrop places Nehls’s work within a specific context of controversial literature.

While Nehls’s hypotheses have found support among certain circles, including endorsements in his book from figures like Naomi Wolf and Stephanie Seneff, they have not been widely accepted by the mainstream scientific community. Leading health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), continue to support the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, countering claims that they are tools for government manipulation.

The discussion around The Indoctrinated Brain exemplifies the tension between fringe theories and established scientific consensus, highlighting the challenges in public health communication and the fight against misinformation in the age of COVID-19.

Nehls is married and he has three children.



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