Bartowz ist Medizinstudent in Warschau und hat Klavier studiert.
Bartosz Zwolan is a student of the 3rd year of the Medical University of Warsaw on the Faculty of Medicine. He was born in Zamość where he completed with distinction the State Music School of Karol Szymanowski in 2011. He performed concerts both as a soloist and with accompaniment of orchestra. One of his more significant concerts was the spectacle “Fryderyk Chopin – The Space Concert” in Zamość, where he played with The Symphony Orchestra of Karol Namysłowski in Zamość, conducted by Tadeusz Wicherek. He also participated in many piano contests and parades in Poland. His greatest achievements include the special prize for the best performance of Fryderyk Chopin’s piece on the 4th Competition of Music and Knowledge of Fryderyk Chopin in Lublin in 2005 and the 1st place in the 10th Regional Auditions for Piano Students from the School of Music in Radzyń Podlaski in 2006. Since 2012 he is a member of the Orchestra of the Medical University of Warsaw conducted by Beata Herman.