Matilda Kerry Osazuwa

Matilda Kerry Osazuwa

Matilda Kerry Osazuwa is a former beauty queen MBGN – Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria 2000 and a medical doctor at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). A co-founder of George Kerry Foundation, she is an epitome of beauty and brain. She gives an insight on her job and life as a medical doctor.

Senior Registrar at the Community Health Department, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, LUTH, and Founder, George Kerry Life Foundation, Dr. Matilda Kerry-Osazuwa, has admonished women in the country to take their health more seriously.

I have received a few honorary awards, one on the fight against cancer from Pink Pearl Foundation and the Youth Role Model award from African Youth Society. Those were achievements but the fulfilling part is when you impact someone positively; like diagnosing a patient in the  pre-cancer stage, providing treatment and knowing you have helped with preventing one woman from coming down with cervical cancer, which is a debilitating and horrible disease – that is really fulfilling.

One of her children suffers from autism spectrum which made her write books for similarly afflicted families.



George Carry Life Foundation

George Carry Life Foundation – speaker

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