NIH Philharmonia

NIH Philharmonia

The National Institutes of Health has always been in the forefront of cutting-edge scientific and medical research.  Just as exciting as what is occurring in the research labs is something happening outside them: the orchestra music produced by the National Institutes of Health Philharmonia. By offering free, high-quality concerts in a less formal setting than area concert halls, and drawing on the talents of those working at NIH and elsewhere in Montgomery County, the orchestra Read more [...]
NIH Community Orchestra

NIH Community Orchestra

National Institute of Health Community Orchestra The NIH Community Orchestra is an all-volunteer organization founded in the fall of 1996 for the purpose of bringing together the musical talent of NIH and the surrounding community. The orchestra's concert repertoire has spanned six centuries, encompassing many periods, nationalities, and styles from music of the Renaissance through 20th century composers such as Bartok, Vaughan Williams, and Copland. NIH Community Orchestra (NIHCO) Read more [...]