Guido Mazzoleni

Guido Mazzoleni

A pathologist only examins corpses? Not at all! He judges good and bad if its a tumor. And he producces wine, plays the piano and performs as actor besides skiing - if his name is Guido Mazzoleni. (IT): Nelle sue vene scorre sangue trentino e veneziano e non ha paura della noia. In futuro si dedicherà alla viticoltura, ha già comprato un tre ruote "Ape", vivrà tra Bolzano e Trento, migliorerà il suo pianoforte. Ama il mare, lo sci e la sua bici da corsa, la musica e la sua casa circondata Read more [...]
The Broadway Haven Players

The Broadway Haven Players

The Haven Players is the preeminent medical center theater company in the country and one of the crown jewels of Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Since 1967, HP has been doing the near impossible—producing three fully-mounted theatrical productions each academic year. Drawing on the creativity, design, and performance skills of students and faculty members from all corners of the medical center's campus, HP creates entertainment of high artistic quality that is also great fun for Read more [...]
Michelle Haintz

Michelle Haintz

A Scanner-personality, as many here! Michelle has studied Philosophy, Psychology and Theater sciences.At the Vienna Art School she studied painting, sculpturing and ceramics (2nd prize for ceramics at the 10-year-jubilee-festival of the school) Further she went to the actors school of Prof. Krauss studying acting and direction.Last not least she did medicine at Vienna University  with doctorate degree in 1984. Now she is working as coach and Read more [...]
Mathias Knoll

Mathias Knoll

Multitalent, several media of publication: CD-productions, books, graphics, radio broadcastings, essays in press media, lecturing with scenical acting etc. exhibition with graphics:Essen, Hamburg, Gütersloh, Köln, Bonn, Osnabrück, Karsruhe, Bremen,Dortmund, Salzburg, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Solingen, Bad Godesberg etc. publications of essays etc.:SWF, WDR III, Dtsch, Allgemeines Sonntagsblatt (Hamburg), F A Z (Frankfurt),ärztl. Reise und Kulturmagazin (München), Generalanzeiger (Bonn),Neue Read more [...]