Jeevarajah Nithiananthan

Jeevarajah Nithiananthan

With his artists name "Piano Doctor" Jeevarajah Nithiananthan performs in many places. By his several costumes and settings he shows a great show talent and a very good humour. web wikipedia DE - wikipedia EN - wikipedia XY youtube - vimeo - soundcloud facebook - twitter - instagram - XING work Read more [...]
Gary Cantlon

Gary Cantlon

(EN:) Small crowd but big tunes. Gary Cantlon pounds the keyboard from the back of his pickup parked across from Riverfront Park in downtown Spokane, Wednesday June 15, 2022, during the annual Street Music fundraiser.  (Christopher Anderson For The Spokesman-Review) Cantlon, a retired ear, nose and throat doctor who worked in the Spokane area for more than 40 years, was one of more than 50 acts busking for donations to Second Harvest Inland Northwest during the 20th annual Street Music Read more [...]
Barry Coutinho

Barry Coutinho

Barry Coutinho has won several amateur piano competitions and performs often. web wikipedia DE - wikipedia EN - wikipedia XY youtube youtube son?- vimeo - soundcloud facebook - twitter - instagram - XING work Read more [...]
Jaikrit Bhutani

Jaikrit Bhutani

Cardiology resident 🫀Loves research, tech, piano, cooking, numbers, and interesting conversations!Has studied Advanced Statistics here: Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) web wikipedia DE - wikipedia EN - wikipedia XY youtube - vimeo - soundcloud facebook - twitter - instagram - XING - superprof work Read more [...]
Jiawan Wang

Jiawan Wang

36-year-old Wang Jiawan is an anesthesiologist at Chaoyang Hospital in Beijing. Aside from her daily duties, Wang is also known to some patients as being more than just a doctor. She has been playing the piano for her patients for two years, usually playing in the morning at the end of a night shift. Wang plays twice a week. She believes that music helps comfort patients. web - report wikipedia DE - wikipedia EN - wikipedia XY youtube - vimeo - Read more [...]
Jess Duckworth

Jess Duckworth

Pianist, composer and medical Doctor, Jess Duckworth enters the music industry with her album The Piano Doctor. Compositions based on research to bring peaceful, calming music. web - web audio tracks - report wikipedia DE - wikipedia EN - wikipedia XY youtube- vimeo - soundcloud facebook - twitter - instagram - XING work Read more [...]
Kai Peter Schuster

Kai Peter Schuster

Since age 5 he played piano, since age 9 percussion. already as young student he studied music ,but then decided for medicine where he became urologist. he is conductor of the "Junge Sinfonie Köln" orchestra. web - portrait wikipedia DE - wikipedia EN - wikipedia XY youtube - vimeo - soundcloud facebook - twitter - instagram - XING work work videos Read more [...]
Louis Mazetier

Louis Mazetier

Louis Mazetier (born February 17, 1960, Paris) is a French stride pianist. Mazetier began playing jazz at age 14 and by age 18 was performing at jazz clubs in Paris. In addition to his career as a musician, he works full-time as a radiologist.[1] He plays with Paris Washboard and has worked on record with Dick Hyman, Francois Rilhac,[2] Alain Marquet, and Neville Dickie, among others, and has released multiple albums as a leader or co-leader. Although Read more [...]
Urs Germann

Urs Germann

Musica Arte Vienna with Urs German at the piano is performing wonderful melodies from Vienna. They began in 2004 and have many performances in senior homes and even open-air or video performances (during the pandemy). Urs is also violinist in the symphonic orchestra of Wil. web wikipedia DE - wikipedia EN - wikipedia XY youtube - vimeo - soundcloud facebook - twitter - instagram - XING work Read more [...]