Dear Mr. Ellenberger!
Thank you for your activity to bring together the right people. TO support your work and simplify it herewith you get my permission to use any material from my homepage
( www.desch-musicproduction.de ). I feel you have the right touch to present colleagues at www.DoctorsTalents.com .
There is little to say about my professional career. Music, piano and composition studies were runing parallel with the medical studies…..
[remark from Wolfgang Ellenberger: Right, Otmar, nothing easier than that!]
After my medical exam I was working at the theatre in Münster/Germany for 15 years (my parents were frightened), then I went to Berlin to have an own office as a general practitioner
(and NOT give up to compose and give recitals in the Berlin area). As I had planned I sold the office at age 60 and from end of 2001 I am musical director, pianist and composer at the theatre in Stendal/Germany.
Focus of my composition style (just besides the oratorium and many many stage music pieces exposed n my homepage) is concert music between twelve tone music and jazz,
as it can be found in my two concerts for piano and orchestra (a sample will be sent…).
Since 2007 I finally have the time to concentrate on marketing of these products since I make only contracts with the theatre about single productions.
By the way I am looking for prominent editors … see what happens…. this much for today!

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