Roland Kuhn

Roland Kuhn

HorrorDoc Roland Kuhn (4 March 1912 – 10 October 2005) was a Swiss psychiatrist who discovered that the drug imipramine had antidepressant properties.[1] he was born in Biel and died in Scherzingen. In 1957, Kuhn published the results of his observations of the antidepressant properties of Imipramine in the Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift (Swiss Weekly Medical Journal).[1] More recently, it was discovered that he tested drugs on patients and children without informed consent and without proper approval by the authorities during his time at the psychiatric hospital in Münsterlingen (where he was director 1971–1980), a practice that is highly unethical.

Like this 36 patients have died after taking these drugs without their consent. Enough for the category HorrorDoc.