Tuğsal Moğul

Tuğsal Moğul

Tuğsal Moğul (* 1969 in Neubeckum) is a German-Turkish director, theatre author and MD.

Parallel to his medical studies in Lübeck he studied acting in Hannover. Working as MD in Berlin he began writing works about medical questions as “Halbstarke Halbgötter” (2008), “Somnia” (2010) und “Die Angehörigen” (2014) which he realised with he realized with his ensemble THEATER OPERATION (Bettina Lamprecht, Carmen Dalfogo, Stefan Otteni, Dietmar Pröll und Ariane Salzbrunn).

Besides medical themes he worked about migration and racism as about the NSU killings:

Report in WDR about an actual film about the killings of Hanau:




wikipedia DE

youtube 2 films


Portrait Theaterverlag

portrait türkisch