Edith Micansky

Edith Micansky

1956 geboren in Wehbach/Sieg  1974 Studium der Biologie, Bonn, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität1976 Studium der Medizin, Bonn, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität mit Examen 19811982 Beginn der Assistenzarzt-Tätigkeit in den Fächern Innere Medizin und Chirurgie1982 Promotion im Fachbereich Medizin, Medizinische Mikrobiologie1985 Niederlassung als Ärztin in einer Gemeinschaftspraxis1999 - 2005 Studium im Studiengang freie Kunst an der Kunstakademie Read more [...]
Mark P. Seraly

Mark P. Seraly

See the article below about the development of Mark´s wonderful talent as sculpturist! Arbeit | work Artikel | article Michelangelo didn't have it. Renoir was missing it. As for Picasso, luck didn't deal it to him. But self-made sculptor Dr. Mark Seraly has it—a day job that delivers his subject matter in a steady stream of people. True, they were all inspired, but inspiration comes from a subject he knows best—the human body. The Read more [...]
Angelika Demel

Angelika Demel

Yes, I would like to join the group of ArtDocs. I am a word-art-lyric and you can see part of my works at the page of Dr. Herold,since I am co-author of his work about internal medicine. As well I am co-author of school books for the subject "German" and I am writing in several Doctors Magazines if I have the time for it besides my practice..... Cordially Angelika Demel liebetrinkmeinglasundgibmirdiescherbenzurücknachdemdeinherzesleisezerschlagenhat.liebesschweigendas Read more [...]
Carl Gustav Carus

Carl Gustav Carus

Carl Gustav Carus (3 January 1789 – 28 July 1869) was a German physiologist and painter, born in Leipzig, who played various roles during the Romantic era. A friend of the writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, he was a many-sided man: a doctor, a naturalist, a scientist, a psychologist, and a landscape painter who studied under Caspar David Friedrich. In 1811 he graduated as a doctor of medicine and a doctor of philosophy. In 1814 he was appointed professor of obstetrics and director Read more [...]
Wolfram Aust

Wolfram Aust

Wolfram Aust (* 12. August 1932 in Krummhübel (Niederschlesien); † 6. August 2012 in Kassel) was a German MD specialised in Orthoptik, professor at a medical university and chief doctor of an eyes hospital in Kassel. read German text about his art (and see the picture!): Axel Alexander Ziese nannte in der Zeitschrift „Aktuelle Kunst“ Austs Arbeiten„expressive Introversionen“. Jedes Bild, so schreibt er, hat ein singuläres Farbspektrum, das äußerst diffizil angelegt Read more [...]
Marion Kurzweil

Marion Kurzweil

Personal DetailsName: Marion Kurzweil Date of birth: January 19th, 1975 Place of birth: Berlin, Germany Gender: female Languages:German, English, Spanish, French  Extracurricular Activities & Interests:Painting www.marion-kurzweil.de,  (exhibitions 2002 EMPAG Berlin Adlershof /2003-2005 Rechtsanwaltskanzlei K.Zink / T.Hanisch Berlin ) Literature, History, Biking, Swimming Read more [...]
Margot Ende

Margot Ende

Art to be touched: MD and artist Margot Ende created pictures to be touched by blind people and give them access to art. Von Sabine Schiner see the German text: In der Ausstellung liegen die Bilder auf den Tischen, mit den Händen ertasten die Besucher die Konturen und Reliefs. Die Idee von der Kunst zum Anfassen hatte die Kölner Ärztin Margot Ende vor einigen Jahren. Für ihr Projekt "Malerei als Interaktion zwischen sehenden und Blinden" bekam Dr. Margot Ende den Oskar-Kuhn-Preis Read more [...]